
CydiaImpactor在前陣子因蘋果伺服器改變機制,造成無法透過電腦安裝APP,最近有款名為「AltStore」工具,這款工具就同等於CydiaImpactor可以利用自己的AppleID ...,CydiaImpactorisaGUItoolforworkingwithmobiledevices.Ithasfeaturesalready,butisstillverymuchawork-in-progress.Itisdevelopedbysaurik( ...,2023年5月23日—CydiaImpactorisanappthatcanhelp.ItisaGraphicalUserInterface(GUI)tool,whichallowsuserstoinstall...

AltStore取代Cydia Impactor誕生,透過電腦直接安裝越獄 ...

Cydia Impactor 在前陣子因蘋果伺服器改變機制,造成無法透過電腦安裝APP ,最近有款名為「AltStore」工具,這款工具就同等於Cydia Impactor 可以利用自己的Apple ID ...

Cydia Impactor

Cydia Impactor is a GUI tool for working with mobile devices. It has features already, but is still very much a work-in-progress. It is developed by saurik ( ...

Cydia Impactor

2023年5月23日 — Cydia Impactor is an app that can help. It is a Graphical User Interface(GUI) tool, which allows users to install IPA files on iOS and APK files ...

Cydia Impactor

Cydia Impactor is a tool developed by SaurikIT that allows users to install various kinds of apps on their iOS devices. It is widely used by developers and ...

Cydia Impactor Download ( Windows and Mac )

2022年5月27日 — Cydia Impactor app lets you install IPA files on your iPhone and iPad using a computer running Microsoft Windows or Apple's Mac OS.

Cydia Impactor Download ➡️ and How to Use It ...

Cydia Impactor is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool that helps you to install third-party apps on both iOS and Android devices. It is compatible to download ...

Cydia Impactor 抓不到ipad 怎麼辦?

2022年11月22日 — 各位大大好這幾天想來越獄一下ipad mini 一代,按照一些教學要用Cydia Impactor + Phoenix 來弄,但是第一關就卡住了。

免越獄也能夠過Cydia Impactor安裝未簽名APP技巧

準備越獄工具 · 可運作Windows、Mac、Linux 電腦 · 下載 Cydia Impactor 工具(用來安裝APP用),由Cydia 之父Saruik推出製作,不用擔心會有木馬或病毒問題。


2021年3月10日 — 為什麼我用altstore安裝完任何越獄程式認證完都會閃退? ㄕˋ. 3 yrs. 宋旻樵. 已經更新新版,但用了一樣跳出81這個錯誤. 3 yrs.

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學



